Simon Jacques Parent (1729 - 1802)
I will start this post about Simon Jacques Parent with the transcript of his baptismal record followed by the original French text. " The last day of 1729 was baptised Simon Jacques born of the legitimate marriage of Simon Parent and Jeanne Bedard, his wife. The godfather [was] Jacques Parent and the godmother [was] Marie Anne Duprac, have declared that they do not know how to sign their names [on the record]. (signed) Royet ." "le dernier jour de 1729 a este baptise Simon Jacques ne du mariage de Simon Parent et de Jeanne Bedard son épouse. Le parrain Jacques Parent [et la] marraine Marie Anne Duprac qui ont déclaré ne savoir signer de ce (anquis[enquis?] (signer) Royet." According the record, Simon Jacques Parent was born and baptized on the same day, December 31, 1729. Both of his parents, Simon Pierre Parent and Jeanne Parent attended his baptism along with the godparents, Jacques Parent and Marie Anne Duprac. Jacques Parent was Simon Pierre's cou...