
Showing posts from September, 2019

Pierre Parent (1768 - 1812)

Pierre Parent, the son of Simon-Jacques Parent (1729 - 1802) and Marie -Anne-Jeanne Giroux (1730 - 1768?), was born on January 21, 1768 in Beauport, Quebec. Since Pierre was born five years after the conquest of Nouvelle France (1763), Beauport would have been in the province of Quebec, it would not become Lower Canada for another twenty - three years. Above, I put a question mark after Marie - Anne - Jeanne Giroux's date of death because I could only find one source that states that she died in 1768. There is an argument that this could be a valid date because there were no more children for Simon - Jacques Parent and Marie - Anne - Jeanne Giroux after 1768. Pierre was the last child to be born, he was born in 1768. If Pierre's mother died giving birth to Pierre or there were complications after birth that led to her death then this date would make all the sense in the world. Until I can establish more evidence, the year 1768 as the date of death for Marie - Anne - Jeanne Giro...