The Arrest of Etienne Parent - (1802 - 1874) - Part III

The day that Etienne Parent was arrested, Le Canadien issued this announcement,  "Quebec: Mercredi, 26 Décembre 1838 Arrestation de L'Editeur et de L'Imprimeur de ce Journal. 
    Aujourd'hui a Midi, M. Parent, Éditeur, et M. Fréchette, Imprimeur, de ce Journal, on été arrêtes et mis en prison. Il n'est pas besoin de dire que ceci va entraîner des desrangements, de l'interruption pour le moins dans la publication de ce Journal. Nous ne pouvons en dire Davantage."

[English translation] "Today at noon, Mr. Parent, Editor, and Mr. Frechette, Printer, of this Journal, were arrested and put into prison. There is no need to say that this will cause disturbances, interruption to say the least in the publication of this Journal. We cannot say more."

Actually, they could have said a lot more than this short note in Le Canadien. We will discover the full story about the arrest of Etienne Parent and Jean - Baptiste Frechette in a forthcoming issue of Le Canadien. But, before that, let's take a look at the response from The Quebec Mercury.

A day after Etienne Parent's arrest, December 27, 1838, the journal, The Quebec Mercury published,"After our paper was at press yesterday morning, Messrs. Etienne Parent and J.B.Fréchette, proprietors, and the first named the Editor, of the Canadien (Le Canadien) newspaper, were arrested on a charge of High Treason, and committed to the Common Gaol of the District. The Canadien (Le Canadien), which issued as usual, announced the incarceration of the proprietors and the probable suspension of the publication of their journal, in consequence of their confinement."

This short article was matter of fact stating a minimum of information. At the end of the article The Quebec Mercury indicates that Le Canadien will probably suspend publication. As you can see from the article in Le Canadien it states, "...this will cause disturbances, interruption..." , that is not suspension. 

Far from suspending publication, Le Canadien published another issue two days later on December 28, 1838 in which there is a more detailed description of the arrest of Etienne Parent and Jean - Baptiste Fréchette. 

"Le Canadien, Vendredi, 28 Decembre 1838.

Le public Canadien apprendra sans doute avec plaisir qu'il a été fait des arrangements pour continuer la publication du Canadien, pendant l'incarcération de l'Edition et de l'Imprimeur de ce Journal; et on se flatte que les lecteurs sauront apprécier les difficultés qu'aura à surmonter une direction nouvelle et improvisée, surtout lorsqu'on saura que tous les papiers du Bureau Editorial ont eté saisis, parmi lesquels il se trouvait des liasses de papiers contenant de la matière toute prête,et nombre d'autres arranges de manière a faciliter les recherches et références journalières. 

La nouvelle direction n'a pas besoin d'annoncer qu'elle s'abstiendra de publier aucun article, qui pourrait, le moins de monde,porter ombrage a un pouvoir aussi susceptible que l'est le gouvernement actuel. C'est le seul moyen qu'il y ait de faire  parvenir la connaissance des événements de jour a la population Canadienne par la voie d'un Journal ami. De meilleurs temps viendront, il faut l’espérer, ou le gouvernement consentira a entendre la vérité dite avec courage et désintéressement. 

D’après le commitment signe par Mr. Young,il parmit que MM.Parent et Fréchette sont emprisonnés sous accusation de Haute Trahison, et l'on attribue cette  mesure aux articles Éditoriaux qui ont paru dernièrement dans leur Journal, articles qui n'avaient pour but que de montrer au gouvernement la marche qu'il fallait suivre pour ramener la paix et la sécurité dans le pays,en même temps, qu'ils discutaient franchement la convenance et la légalité des certains actes du gouvernement. M. Parent en montant chez lui vers midi, recontra M. Young qui l'informa qu'il avait reçu ordre de Montréal, le Matin, de l'arreter, sur quoi le décrété d'arrestation suivit le chef de Police à son Bureau, ou M. Fréchette arriva quelques instants après. Ce dernier avait été arrêté chez lui par une escouade de la police, qui se mit à fureter dans tous les coins et recoins de la maison, et en enleva tous les papiers imprimés et manuscrits qui s'y trouvaient, sans en excepter même des numéros ou paquets de Herald, de Courier, de Gazette de Montréal, des Gazettes de Québec, et du Mercury.On nous assurer qu'il n'y avait rien dans les papiers pour compromettre qui que ce soit, hors le dérangement devoir des communication amicales et confidentielles tomber sous des yeux  étrangers. Pendant ce temps - la, une escouade de police s'était aussi rendue chez M. Parent et y fit la fouille depuis la cave jusqu'au grenier, en enlevant tout ce qui avait apparence de papier écrit et imprimé. L'eternal M. Symes commandait cette dernière expédition.

MM. Parent et Fréchette furent accompagnés par quelques amis jusqu'à la prison, ou ils furent logés dans le quartier des autres prisonniers politiques, savoir MM. Rousseau, Teed, Chasseur et Dumont. Ce dernier est un étranger arrêté comme suspect, l'automne dernier. Hier il fut permis à quelques amis d'aller voir les Prisonniers, mais le chef de police prévient les visiteurs que jusqu'à ce qu'il eût reçu des ordres de Montréal il n'admettrait que les membres des familles de prisonniers. Il n'est pas besoin de dire que les nouvelles arrestations ont fait une vive sensation dans la ville, a cause 
de la liaison des prisonniers avec ce Journal, qui se trouve le seul Journal politique qui se publie dans l'intérêt Canadien en ce pays. Quand les gens viennent a comparer la virulence de certains Journaux Loyalistes, avec le ton peut êtres un peu vif par fois, de Canadien,qui aurait démenti son titre s'il eût pu demeurer froid et indifférent, on a lieu de s'étonner des mesures de rigueur prises contre ce Journal, tantique les autres restent avec restent avec carte blanche dans leurs attaques provocatrices contre toute une population sans défense. Ces dénonciations ont causé cent fois plus de mécontentement que tous écrits de tous les Journaux populaires a la fois.

The article begins by saying that the newspaper will continue and not suspend publication. Their readership would be pleased to learn that arrangements had been made to continue publishing Le Canadien during the "the incarceration of the editor and the printer of this journal". It is clear that it was not going to be easy to continue publishing. There would be "difficulties that will have to be overcome" as the paper moved in a new direction. Part of the difficulty was that all of the materials from the editor's office had been confiscated. There were "bundles of ready-made material,...used to facilitate daily searches and references." The police had taken all of written and printed material that Etienne Parent used in the course of his work.

 It is not stated specifically who would take over the publication of the newspaper during their internment but it is clearly stated what the tone of the journal will be during that period of time, "The new management...will refrain from publishing any article which could,...cast a shadow over ...the present government." The role that Le Canadien played in the political lives of the population of Lower Canada was significant. The readership of Le Canadien looked to this newspaper to keep them informed of thee political environment in Lower Canada at that time, "This is the only way there is to get knowledge, of current events to the Canadian population by an amicable journal."

What follows is a detailed description of the alleged arrest of Etienne Parent and Jean - Baptiste Fréchette. I say alleged because both men were arrested without the benefit of Habeas Corpus and all that that entails. From the point of view of the rule of law, the arrest of Etienne Parent and Jean - Baptiste Fréchette was illegal. The warrant that was signed by Mr. Young, the chief of police, stated that Mr.Parent and Mr. Frechette were "jailed on high treason charges". This charge was  based on the editorial that Etienne Parent wrote in Le Canadien on December 24th. The intent of the editorial was to show the government how it might restore "peace and security" in Lower Canada. In that same editorial Etienne Parent discussed "the suitability and legality of certain acts of the government."

The next part of the article is a detailed description of  the arrest. This description of the arrest is so detained that it leads me to believe that the article could only have been written by someone who was actually present at the arrest. Based on this point and the style in which this article was written, it is my belief that Etienne Parent wrote this article. You might ask how could Etienne Parent have written this article if he was in prison. If he did write that article then how could it have been published in the issue of Le Canadien on December 28th? How this was possible will be discussed in a later post. For now, we will focus our attention on the discussion in hand which is the arrest of Etienne Parent and Jean - Baptiste Fréchette. 

Etienne Parent was on his way home around noon on December 26th, probably to have lunch with his family when he met Mr Young, the chief of police who informed Etienne that he had received orders from his superiors in Montréal for his arrest. Mr. Young requested that Etienne Parent accompany him to the Police station.   Jean - Baptiste Frechette arrived at the Police station a few minutes after Etienne parent arrived at the station.  Jean - Baptiste had been arrested at his home then taken to the Police station. Similar to Etienne Parent, Jean - Baptiste Frechette was subject to a complete search of his house. The police who had arrested Jean - Baptiste searched his house from top to bottom leaving no spot of the house undisturbed. The police took all of printed material and manuscripts from Jean - Baptiste's house.They confiscated all copies of The Herald, The Courier, The Montreal Gazette, and The Quebec Mercury.  After carefully scrutinizing all of the material that the police had seized from Jean - Baptiste and Etienne Parent they declared that there was nothing in their papers "that would compromise anyone". Still, Etienne Parent and Jean - Baptiste were disturbed by the fact that their personal and confidential papers were scrutinized by strangers; the police. Officer Symes was in charge of the search of Jean - Baptiste's home. 

The arrest of Etienne Parent and Jean - Baptiste Frechette quickly attracted attention and their friends showed support by accompanying them to prison "where they were imprisoned with other political prisoners; Mr. Rousseau, Teed, Chasseur, and Dumont".


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